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Alliance Marketing Scholarship Program

About Scholarship

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As a marketing major, students learn the skills necessary to help a company succeed. Marketing majors generally focus on marketing skills, management techniques, or general business administration. If you are a marketing major, you may wish to help a Fortune 500 company increase profits or perhaps you may dream of becoming an entrepreneur and be your own boss. Whatever the goal is, seeking scholarships for your college education is the perfect place to start to make sure you make a good investment in your future.

All students who love marketing as a subject and want to make a full-time career out if, cannot always afford the staggering college fees. To give such students a push and turn their dream of becoming a successful marketing professional into reality, we at Alliance Recruitment Agency a leading marketing recruitment agency have started to give away Marketing Scholarships. Every little bit helps. And so the financial assistance you will receive from an Executive search marketing firm like us, is sure to take the load off your back while you pursue your goal without any hassles.

For students who want to become part of the RPO industry and want to offer the best rpo services, there is good news. It would be now easy to turn your dream into a successful reality as we announce our trusted Alliance Marketing Scholarship Program. Inviting applications from students all across the world, our scholarship offers monetary aid to the underprivileged groups who are unable to make a mark because of a lack of financial resources.

Standing as leaders in executive placements, Alliance Recruitment Agency is a prestigious rpo recruitment firm catering to the needs of students and firms all across the world. From placing professionals to carrying in-depth executive search, we have been delivering exceptional services in the industry for years. The winners of our scholarship will be able to gain cash rewards along with deep knowledge about the industry. So, avoid missing this golden opportunity and apply now.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must:

  • Have declared a major in marketing and been accepted to that major.
  • Be citizens of Australia/ U.S/ Canada or permanent residents. An applicant who is not a Australia/ U.S/Canada citizen is NOT eligible for a scholarship.
  • Should be an undergraduate student.
  • Have completed a minimum of 72 credit hours by April 1, 2021 and 84 credits by the start of the fall 2021 semester (registered credits included). A student whose program has followed an irregular pattern must be at an equivalent stage. Moreover, such a student must have successfully completed at least one semester of the college’s intermediate accounting course(s).
  • Have achieved an overall cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
  • Should have attained 18 years of age at the start of the program.

Process For Scholarship

  • Write and submit a research paper on the the topic “Is direct marketing really the most effective form of marketing?” on [email protected].
  • The application consists of the following sections: Personal Information & Questionnaire, Academic Information, Attach Documents, Letter of Recommendation (also includes Financial Aid information request), and Proposal.
  • Each section must be completed in full by the student to be eligible for scholarship consideration.

Important Note:

This is to inform all Scholarship Programme’s Participant that please do not message or call on Whatsapp number mentioned on our website. Because we have a separate team for the Scholarship programme who takes care of your queries. For any queries related to scholarship drop a note at [email protected]

Please Note: Contacting on call or other emails apart from [email protected] can leave negative impact on your application.

Other Important details about the Scholarship Program

  • Every applicant will allow Alliance Recruitment Agency to verify specific details like name, student ID number, institution, course of study etc.
  • The winners of the scholarship will be chosen by a panel of experts from Alliance Recruitment Agency.
  • Scholarship amount of $5000 will be awarded every year.
  • Winners have to give consent with regards to publishing their photo and award details on the Alliance Recruitment Agency website.
  • Alliance will automatically disqualify applicants who are found to furnish information that is false, plagiarized or has copyright issues.
  • Alliance Recruitment Agency reserves the right to change the rules and regulations anytime during the course of the scholarship program,with the exception of the scholarship amount or prior to the actual awarding to a winner.

Please note that our scholarship deadline ends on 15th May of every year. We will display the names of the winners on 31st May of every year on our company’s website. If you have friends who are graphic designers and looking for a graphic design scholarship, please send them our way!

Other Scholarships We Provide:

  1. Human Resource Development Scholarship Program For Australia, USA And Canada
  2. Gaming Scholarship Program For Australia, USA And Canada
  3. Excellence In Accounting Scholarship Program For Undergraduate Australia, USA And Canada
  4. Graphic Web Design Scholarship Program For Australia, USA And Canada
  5. Mobile Application Development Scholarship Program For Australia, USA And Canada
  6. Visual Art Scholarship Program For Australia, USA And Canada
  7. Interior Design Scholarship Program For Australia, USA And Canada
  8. Real Estate Scholarship Program For Australia, USA And Canada
  9. Engineering Scholarship Program For Australia, USA And Canada
  10. Medical Scholarship Program For Australia, USA And Canada