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Virtual Assistant Recruiter

Virtual Assistant Recruiters

A virtual assistant is an independent consultant or freelancer hired for taking care of specified administrative or secretarial tasks. They are usually hired on basis of their experience in managing tasks such as making travel arrangements and appointments with clients, data entry work, personal assistant duties, etc. Virtual assistants are also providers of services such bookkeeping, blogging, social media updates, etc. It depends on which department or manager or top executive needs the service and the functions they perform.

Stop Searching. Start Hiring Talent Now

Alliance Recruitment helps top level executives, entrepreneurs, management consultants, senior managers, project managers hire a skilled virtual assistant. Our recruiter teams shortlist professionals with the required experience, training and certifications, and linguistic skills based on expert techniques and recruitment procedures. If you are looking to hire a remote personal or virtual administrative assistant or a virtual assistant for any specialized professional service, get in touch with Alliance Recruitment.

Among Top Virtual Assistant Recruitment Agencies

Alliance Recruitment has expert recruiter teams and the resources to help you hire virtual assistants. We have a rich database and access to various external databases too for conducting candidate searches. We also have video-conferencing tools as well as other technology resources for virtual assistant hiring, whether you would like to go for a bidding process or any other hiring process.

We also help you frame documents and descriptions to facilitate engaging with the right candidates. If you would like to go for specific skills testing, interpersonal skills testing, psychometric testing, etc. our recruiter teams also provide assistance in getting them done. Our virtual assistant recruiter teams have helped top level executives and businessmen from different sectors and global locations hire virtual assistants.

Our Services as a Virtual Assistant Recruiter

As we are a global company, our services are available to companies in India, the USA, Canada, the UK, and several European and Asian countries. We help you find virtual assistants in locations of your choice.

Our services include:

  • Virtual talent search
  • Virtual assessments
  • Virtual interviews
  • Applications screening
  • Candidate shortlisting

With Alliance as your recruitment partner, you will get a job opening closed within a minimum time frame. Whether you would like to hire in-house administrative assistants, remote employees or a contractual virtual assistant.

Why Alliance Recruitment Agency

Alliance Recruitment has a strong international presence. Our virtual recruiter teams are extremely skilled and they perform every task with utmost dedication. Our services have helped hundreds of companies to scale up their operations.

We ensure 100% confidentiality and privacy. Our recruitment methodology is customized to best suit our client needs.

Contact us and find out how we can make your recruitment processes hassle-free, highly productive and less time consuming. You can also cut down on overall recruitment costs while getting better results from your hiring activities.

Make us your recruitment partner and benefit from better work performance.